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Musicians and singers use their talents to entertain others with their performances and for personal enjoyment. Some travel all over the world on concert tours. An Associate in Arts Degree in Music will prepare you with a strong introduction to music theory, performance, sight singing and applied music lessons with instruction of your choice.

Students interested in pursuing a degree in Theatre or Music should contact the Performing Arts Department prior to registering for classes due to audition requirements for certain classes and valuable scholarship opportunities, 772-462-7727.

Once You Complete the Program

Perform as a solo artist or in ensembles in sound studios, television, movies, radio, nightclubs, concert halls, theatres, amusements parks and cruise ships. Transfer your credits to a four-year Bachelor's Degree program at a university.

Performing Arts Auditions

Learn about auditions and scholarship opportunities !  For information, call 772-467-7727.

Music A.A.

Complete your first two years of college at IRSC, and you’re guaranteed the right to transfer as a junior to a Bachelor’s Degree program at a Florida public university—or continue in a Bachelor’s Degree program at IRSC. For course descriptions, see the .  

Career Coach Employment Outlook

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